E. J. Dione has a
piece today lamenting that Senate Democrats a running from Sen Russ Feingold's call for a censure of President Bush for the NSA secret wiretap program. As usual, he completely misreads the issue, the electorate, and the facts on the ground.
First, I have to say that rarely is there a columnist who gets it so consistently wrong as Mr. Dione. I mean
every single time. He even somehow avoids getting things right on accident, as even a broken clock accomplishes twice a day.
In this case, he thinks that Feingold's "bold leadership" will energize the base around an issue that he mistakenly thinks most Americans disagree with the president on. He repeats the lame canard about Democrats needing to not cede the issue of national security to the Republicans, and that the GOP is somehow hyping up the terror threat to stay in power, because they have a better relationship with their base. None of it really makes any sense, unless you get your entire sense of the electorate from the Daily Kos.
If Russ Feingold is the Democratic nominee in 2008, the loss for the Dems will be catastrophic - losses Barry Goldwater and Walter Mondale would wince at. The GOP could run Homer Simpson and still be assured 60% of the vote. The reason is because we live in a fairly conservative country, and Mr. Feingold is making the cardinal error of being honest about the liberal agenda. That, and the left won't have Bush the Boogy Man to rally against any more.
Bush's number are down not because people are tired of the conservative agenda and are yearning for some liberal ideas (even if they had them). They're down because of increasing frustration that Bush isn't conservative ENOUGH on issues ranging from immigration, spending, the port deal, etc. Does anyone really believe the Democrats will spend less, get tougher on the border, or will be more aggressive when killing terrorists? That's why when election time comes, and people have to make a choice instead of just complain, the Dems will continue to lose.
Sen. Feingold claims that it's not about who's tough on security, but about breaking the law. But does anyone believe it? Was he at the forefront of the impeachment movement when President Clinton committed perjury in federal court, or call for his censure when he used warrantless wiretapping far more widely and less narrowly focused than Bush, for the sole purpose of "formulating policy"? Is he proposing amendments to the woefully inadequate 1978 surveillance law that would meet today's technologies, today's threats, and today's need for speed? Is he being honest about what the "domestic" wiretapping is - calls to or from foreign nations known to sponsor terrorism, made to or from people known to have terror ties? Of course not.
Some Democrats are starting to get a little religion, and realize that as cathartic as the Russ Feingolds of the world might be to the rabid Bush Hating left, his agenda is a recipe for disaster electorally. E. J. Dione doesn't understand that, and probably never will. And as long as the party base insists on following such terrible advice, they will continue to lose. This accomplishes nothing except to continue allowing the GOP free rein to spend too much and ignore critical problems, such as the border. And as I've said many times, that is bad for the country.
And of course, all of this doesn't even address the motivation this kind of circus provides to our enemies. "Even his own government is turning on the criminal Bush!" Our enemies most powerful weapon is their propaganda machines, so effective in a world that has never known a free press. Does Senator Feingold really not think these fascists will not be emboldened by this?
So shame on Senator Feingold. And shame on the misguided, such as Mr. Dione, who would harm our nation by rallying to his cause.